Our Products

Our Products

We have done our level best to identify the latest generation, branded, CE/ FDA/ ISO 13485 marked products that will do the job intended well, but at prices that are more affordable than the traditional "Gold Standard" brands. A highly experienced expert in this field who independently reviewed our full bleed kit said, 

"The Rhino Rescue bleeding control kit is 100% fit for purpose and I would highly recommend it given its quality and amazing price".

Visit us in store

Why not visit us in store?

You'll find us at:

Combat Cellar, The Maltings, St. James' Road,

Northampton, NN5 5HS.

Our opening times are:

Wednesday to Friday: 10am to 6pm

Saturday: 10am to 5pm

Sunday to Tuesday: Closed.

Or call us on 07712 589 846 (Nigel) or

07736 334 384 (Phil).

Buying for Ukraine?

Buying for Ukraine?

Please note this is our retail site, but


If you are purchasing for a bona fide charitable group supporting Ukraine, please contact us to discuss your requirements.

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